Becoming a better artist has never been so easy.

The Workshopz is an online video-learning opportunity hosted on Discord, which means you can learn caricature from home at an affordable price.
Six times a year, a unique artist brings their talents to the digital stage and offers a nightlong course on the wonderful art of caricature, complete with a presentation and live drawing demo.
In addition to the Workshopz is the Sketchbook Series, a printed collection of our featured artists' sketches for your enjoyment and inspiration.

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The Sketchbook Series is the sister project of the Workshopz. What you can expect from each installment is a 32-page compilation of the featured Workshopz artist's sketches, process, and creative journey. These zines are keepsakes to keep your inspiration flowing, reference material for understanding novel creative processes, and a nice collector item if you get every issue in the series!


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Previous Workshops

Join in on the Featured Workshop and get the Featured Artist's printed Sketchbook Series book.
This is a package deal for the 2-hour seminar with the Featured Artist, in addition to the Featured Artist's book.
The All-In
This Package gets you The Featured Workshopz + The Sketchbook Series
+ Recorded Workshopz