Doodle Dash
At Doodle Dash, The ToonHeadz caricature artist Team is donating their time and skill to provide fun and skillful caricatures for local communities. The ToonHeadz wants to raise awareness of the awesome art form - Live Caricature. ​
So, what is Doodle Dash all about? It’s where creativity meets celebration. It’s where lines transform into laughter, and faces become art. From Atlanta’s parks to bustling community events, we pop up with our sketchpads, ready to turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.​​


Join the Doodle Dash Experience


Our talented ToonHeadz Artists stage surprise pop-ups in various communities, transforming ordinary moments into memorable experiences. Picture this: a bustling street corner, a local park, or a lively market—suddenly, our artists appear, armed with pencils and paper, ready to capture your unique essence in a whimsical caricature.
Best of all? It’s FREE!
Doodle Dash: Free Caricatures

Come Get

Why Get A Caricature?
Getting a caricature drawn by The ToonHeadz is an unforgettable experience that combines artistry, humor, and personal connection. Our talented artists capture your unique features in a playful and exaggerated way, turning you into a delightful cartoon version of yourself. Whether it’s at a lively event or during a Doodle Dash pop-up, the process is interactive and entertaining. As you watch the lines come to life, you’ll find yourself laughing, sharing stories, and feeling like a star. It’s not just about the end result—it’s about the joy of being part of the creative process.

Doodle Dash
Where To Find