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Writer's pictureAJ Jensen

The Workshopz (Caricature Classes)

Updated: Feb 5, 2023

The Workshopz Series

Since 2021, The ToonHeadz, has been hosting a Workshopz Series featuring some of the best caricature artists around the world. The goal, to provide The Toonheadz Team and Caricature Community with more options in inspiring, learning, and boosting their creative ideas.

As an artist, it's hard to keep motivated and push yourself artistically. Classes are a big way to keep yourself motivated, inspired, and gain information to apply to your creative ideas.

The ToonHeadz Workshopz Series
The Workshopz

"I started The Workshopz classes just for The ToonHeadz Team exclusively. One of my biggest goals for running The ToonHeadz, is keeping the artists learning and inspired. I love seeing growth! It not only helps the artist growing, but also the entire team as well - as progress is inspiring. So, I started talking to well-talented and top caricature artists from all over the world, and inviting them to do a mini-class for The ToonHeadz Team. It had a massive impact, not only on the artists, but me as well. Each workshop was informative, inspiring, and motivational. The caricature community is very connected - which I love! And, word caught wind about the Workshopz. Either through posts on Facebook or word from mouth. I had a bunch of caricature artists from around the world reaching out to me and were highly suggesting to making this public so they could join in. I guess it was one of those "If you build it, they will come" situations. So that's what I did. I opened a way for more caricature artists to join in and watch a Workshopz Series. I am confident to say, that it's been running quite smooth so far. Thanks to the help of Ash Stryker, who teamed up with me on this project, we have problem solved and synergized in order to make the Workshopz run pretty successfully." -A.J. Jensen
Andrew Pungot Caricature Artist Class The Workshopz
Workshopz Series Featuring Andrew Pungot

Each Workshopz is hosted via Discord. Which is an awesome way to connect online and perform caricature classes. Each Workshopz Series is around 2-hours long - with a fifteen-thirty minute demonstration and the remaining time consisting of a live caricature demo included with a Q&A. This is a perfect opportunity to not only learn from different caricature artists ideas, but you get the chance to ask your favorite caricature artists question in the time they create an awesomely rendered caricature.

Neo Color Caricature Kosuke Miyagi
Kosuke Miyagi created a traditional Neo Color rendered Caricature of ToonHeadz Artist, AJ Jensen

Air brush caricature Ash Stryker
Ash Stryker created a Air-Brush Caricature of ToonHeadz Artist, Destin Andrews.

The Workshopz Caricature demo is a fantastic way to watch an artist's caricature process. Each attendee also gets the potential chance to win their very own caricature rendered by the featured artist. During the demo time, the attendees can ask whatever question they want to the featured artist. Some questions have ranged from "what is the silliest interaction with a guest doing live caricature?" to "what is the best way to draw noses?" There has been loads of fantastic questions asked during the duration of The Workshop Series.

Ash Stryker Caricature Artist Workshopz Series
Ash Stryker Workshop Series

So far, The Workshopz Series has had some excellent Featured Artists from the Caricature Community. Each teaching their skill, ideas, and tricks in the art of caricature. It ranges from live caricature to caricature entertainment. All information beneficial to a caricature artist. Featured Artists of The Workshopz have been:

Kosuke Miyagi, Ash Stryker, Andrew Pungot, Kelly O'Brien, Damion Dunn, AJ Jensen, Ali Thome, Eric Goodwin, Kirby Rudolph, and Hitomi Ishihara.

Damion Dunn Workshopz Series

Each Workshopz class is unique to the Featured Artist. One of the featured artists, Damion Dunn, was gifting the attendees with his knowledge on composition, how to use Neo-Colors, and how to do funny drawings for customers.

Eric Goodwin Workshopz Series

Another Example would be, Eric Goodwin's Workshop Series, where he was kind enough to give us a very descripted presentation on his theory of exaggeration, color saturation, and design.

Kelly O'Brien Caricature Artist
Kelly O' Brien Workshopz Series

Another great Workshop Series, Featured Kelly O'Brien, where she gave some fantastic ideas on her theories of color pushing, cartoon design, and using your "Mind Palace". This Workshopz Series was super informative for cartooning caricatures.

"The Workshopz represents a renaissance for caricature artists everywhere. I remain amazed at the accessibility it represents for artists to learn from their idols at low cost. The same model from independent creators would come at such a high cost that not just anyone could attend. But therein lies the beauty behind the Workshopz. Any artist anywhere can learn and empower themselves." - Ash Stryker

The Sketchbook Series

Another beautiful thing about The Workshopz Series is "The Sketchbook Series". These are 32-page books feature works, sketches, and illustrations of the Featured Artist. Art books are an awesome way to keep artists inspired and motivated. These books are a compilation of fantastic artwork, loose sketches, and simple illustrations. Each book can be purchased along with the Workshopz Series. Previous books can also be purchased on our website. You can find the previous Sketchbook Series copies at:

AJ Jensen Art Book
AJ Jensen's Sketchbook Series
"The big reason is why I wanted to do The Sketchbook Series is because I always love collecting Art Books. The best art books, in my opinion, are the ones that showcase simple and loose sketches. This helps gives you an impression of how a loose sketch can become a rendered and fine-tuned illustration. You get to see a sneak-peak of the start of the process! I thought giving other caricaturists this opportunity will allow them to become more inspired and motivated, just like I did with other art books. Also, it is a cool little memento to remember The Workshopz Series." -AJ Jensen

Kelly O'Brien Art Book
A page from Kelly O' Brien's Sketchbook Series

Each page of the Sketchbook series compiles the works of The Featured artists of each The Workshopz Series. These pages can include simple sketches, loose sketches, color sketches, live caricatures, fine-tuned illustrations, or just notes the artists made to themselves in their sketchbook. As an artist, this is an awesome way to collect different art books and gain more information that you can apply to your sketchbooks. Sketching is SUPER IMPORTANT as an artist. These Sketchbook Series books try to inspire you to work in your sketchbook, that way you can improve your artistic journey.

Hitomi Ishihara art book
A page from Hitomi Ishihara's Sketchbook Series

So far, The ToonHeadz has published 6 books total. The featured artists so far have been: AJ Jensen, Ali Thome, Kirby Rudolph, Hitomi Ishihara, Kelly O'Brien, and Ash Stryker. The ToonHeadz are in the works for 24 more issues of the Sketchbook Series in the upcoming years, all featuring some of the best caricature artists in the world. Ash Stryker has been wonderfully editing and putting together these sharp looking art books. Her background in publishing and design talents has gifted her with creating some awesome looking Sketchbook Series books.

You can follow updates on The Workshopz Series on our Instagram page. Follow us on Instagram: @theworkshopz

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